Xfce as only desktop

Jonathan j.e.drews at worldnet.att.net
Sun Jan 11 03:26:19 CET 2004

On Sat, 2004-01-10 at 04:39, Chris Brault wrote:
> I was wondering,
> How many of you use Xfce4 as their only desktop? Or
> perhaps, what kind of work do you do on the Xfce desktop?

 I use Xfce4 as my main desktop. I do 90 % of my work with it. I use
Gnumeric to process *.xls spreadsheets and I have an icon on the panel
for it. I like the xfprint4 utility which is great for *.ps output from
Gnuplot. I like the xffm file manager very much. It works quite well.

			Kind regards,

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