root-tail and xfdesktop?

Jasper Huijsmans jasper at
Sat Jan 3 17:00:23 CET 2004

Op za 03-01-2004, om 16:47 schreef Michal:
> On 2004-01-03 at 08:06 Jasper Huijsmans wrote:
> > You need the adapted root-tail version mentioned earlier in this thread.
> I have it. And everything works in a strange way - nothing is visible 
> until I move any window over an area where logs should be displayed, 
> then logs stay on a display but olny until next line appears. Then 
> everything disappear.
> And another thing - if I move any window over the display area (during 
> the logs are visible) random parts just gone.
> I wonder if that happend to anyone else?
> Thanks in advance for any tips :-)

Hmm, yes, I can see that. It is probably gtk interfering with X event
handling :/ I have no solution to offer, but when I find some time I
will try to see if I can tweak the gtk widget settings to minimize the
interference with root-tail.


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