exit dialog

Jaap Karssenberg j.g.karssenberg at student.utwente.nl
Wed Dec 22 21:30:08 CET 2004

Piotr Chmura
wrote on Wed, 22 Dec 2004 20:40:25 +0100:
> You need to read documentation about xfce session manager... :-)
> http://www.loculus.nl/xfce/documentation/docs-4.2/xfce4-session.html#xfsm-shutdown

Thanks - I guessed it would be in the panel documentation because the
"system buttons" are described there.

   )   (     Jaap Karssenberg || Pardus [Larus]                | |0| |
   :   :     http://pardus-larus.student.utwente.nl/~pardus    | | |0|
 )  \ /  (                                                     |0|0|0|
 ",.*'*.,"   Proud owner of "Perl6 Essentials" 1st edition :)  wannabe

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