lineakd and xfce4-session

KUTYLA Peggy peggy.kutyla at
Tue Dec 21 11:58:04 CET 2004

Hi all,

I tried to launch lineak but it doesn't seem to be registered when you
exit a session even if i save the session.
I copy the /etc/X11/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc to ~/.config/xfce4/xinitrc, make
it executable and add lineakd
- just before  the commented line "# Run xfce4-session if installed"
- just before the line "exit0" from the if loop which launch
- juste after the line "$sfcesm"

The probleme is :
-in the first case lineakd was launched, but is not "active" ( hint
programmed keys does nothing)
-in the others cases lineak's not launch

Thinking about adding lineak manually in .cache/sessions/>file< doesn't
look as a good idea (too many parametres i don't know)

Any clue ?

Mdk 10.1 up-to-date, Xfce 4.2 RC2
Peggy Kutyla - peggy.kutyla at
Linux Registered User 328488

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