problem (bug?) w/menu & windowlist keyboard shortcutting

Eric Pierce eric_xfce at
Sat Dec 18 02:11:18 CET 2004

I've set the following keyboard shortcuts.

'xfdesktop -windowlist' to 'ctrl-esc'
'xfdesktop -menu' to 'alt-esc'

However, they don't come up correctly.

I must hold down 'ctrl-esc' for 1 full second to get
the menu to come up.  The same goes for the window
list which finally comes up but w/several instances
(because of key stroke repeating).

However, both work flawlessly on the command line
(i.e., they come up instantly).

I'm using 4.2RC2 (installed from os-cillation

Any suggestions?  Thanks for reading!
Eric P.

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