Plugins Questions...

edscott edscott at
Fri Aug 20 18:17:02 CEST 2004

El jue, 19-08-2004 a las 13:53, Paul Ladouceur - NUXTEK Informatique
Inc. escribió:

> >
> >an example dnd where such behaviour occurs would be greatly appreciated
> >and do much towards solving the problem (I have not noticed any problems
> >with dnd so far, but my dnd behaviour is probably not the same as yours)
> >
> >  
> >
> If i encounter another crash of xffm, i'll post it here...

A traceback would be very much appreciated.

> But what is anoying me most is the option of LONG-LEFT-CLICK to select 
> multiple dirs-files...
> Sometimes, when i want to drag & drop only one file, it moves the 
> previous selected items... So I remembered, corrected, and go 
> single-click on the file before dragging it...

Go to main menu->options->preferences and check "Default GTK mouse
selection mode", this will give you the behaviour most suited for dnd
single files. The ability to switch between selection modes is available
only in 4.1 because of the translation issue. With the GTK selection
mode, you need to hold down the control key to select multiple files.
I think that for 4.2 the default selection mode will be set back to the
normal GTK behaviour.



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