Theme problems (regarding librsvg)

Andrew Conkling andrewski at
Sat Aug 7 03:50:54 CEST 2004

Some time ago (probably on Fri, 06 Aug 2004 16:51:18 +0200)
Dennis Sänger <mail at> had occasion to say the following:
> To use the SVG Icons with XFCE (e.g. in the panel) emerge
> >=gnome-base/librsvg-2.6.5 (IIRC it's in the unstable tree).

I just checked my system and I already have that installed (2.6.5 is in the stable tree).  For the record, I'm not having a problem with all SVG icons, just with the Lila theme: rather than displaying the correct icons, the default Gnome set is shown.  On the other hand, a theme like Lila-Red (just a red-coloured version of the same) displays correctly.  Thusly, I thought the problem to be either Xfce's handling of the theme or problems with the theme itself--linking, icons missing, etc.

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