'Cycle through windows' feature request

Sami Samhuri sami at no-eff-eks.com
Mon Aug 2 21:30:18 CEST 2004

* It was Sun, Aug 01, 2004 at 09:50:07PM -0400 when Brian J. Tarricone said:
> just so you don't think you're being ignored, olivier is on vacation
> until the middle of the month (i think), and it's his call what goes
> into xfwm4.

Good to know, thanks. To be completely honest though I'm not sure how
much I like this option anymore. It's great, until you have to grab the
mouse to switch to a minimised app! Since I rarely use Shift+Alt+Tab to
cycle in reverse I could map that to cycle all apps, but I think that
may be taking it a bit too far.

At least it was a good excuse for me to hack on xfce a bit. I really
would like to get into it more now that I've had a taste. Are there any
documents around that I might find useful?

Sami Samhuri
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