Desktop doesn't load properly!!

Felipe Lopes wiseguy at
Tue Apr 27 18:15:29 CEST 2004

I removed xdm and started xfce4 with this command: 

startx /usr/bin/xfce4-session 

And it worked....If I start xfce4 w/ startx only, it doesnt load 
either....So I guess that xdm was set to start xfce w/ startx command 

>- Felipe Lopes [2004-04-27 03:39:57 -0300]: 
>> Hi there!! 
>> I am new to the list and I'm not sure if here is the place to send this, 
>> but... 
>> I have debian basics (debian installer) installed on my pc... 
>> Used apt-get to install x-window and the xfce4... 
>> After installing the package xfce4, I runned startx...It seem that would 
>> load ok, but the xfce4 did not stopped on that gray screen... 
>i believe what you have to do on debian is run xfce4_setup. It makes a 
>backup of .xsession and .xinitrc, and writes its own version. 
>If you log in xdm after that you should have the session manager running 
>as well. 
>I usually just call startx and run without it. 
>Xfce mailing list 
>Xfce at 

Felipe Lopes. 

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