icons on desktop with xfce

Sami Samhuri sami at no-eff-eks.com
Sun Apr 25 22:08:19 CEST 2004

> It was Sun, Apr 25, 2004 at 09:40:01PM +0200 when virtuoso2001 said:
> hello,
> i've never installed xfce till now,but i've seen from screenshots that
> xfce doesn't provide desktop icons like windows xp. how can i fix this
> problem ?

It's a feature, not a problem. :)

Of course that depends who you're talking to. The way to "fix" this is
to use a desktop which supports icons. I don't use one, but Rox seems to
be popular with XFCE users. If you're looking for WinXP-like
functionality I wouldn't really suggest XFCE.

Sami Samhuri
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