how to add kdeinit to xinitrc

purslow at purslow at
Sun Apr 25 11:42:22 CEST 2004

040425 xfce-bugs at wrote:
> The following bug has been CLOSED
> Bug ID:                     0000180
> Summary:                    adding kdeinit to xinitrc spoils panel
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  huysmans - 2004-04-25 09:17 GMT 
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> I'm sorry, but there's nothing we can do about this.

then you go ahead & do it (grin)!

> Adding this to your .xinitrc may work:
>   ( sleep 10 ; kdeinit ) &
> That should start kdeinit after the panel has started
> unless that takes more than 10 seconds.

yes indeed, that works!  'sleep' is not mentioned in 'man bash'.

surely, this is a common problem many users would like to solve.
 2  others have offered solutions, but got the details wrong.
perhaps such a line sb added to the default  .xinitrc ,
commented out with a note to explain its function ?

SUPPORT     ___________//___,  Philip Webb : purslow at
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|  Centre for Urban & Community Studies
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'  University of Toronto

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