Problem with Quit in menu

Charles A Edwards eslrahc at
Wed Apr 21 05:45:28 CEST 2004

On Wed, 21 Apr 2004 08:17:14 +0500
Sergey Manucharyan wrote:

> I also checked the situation running xfce from init 3 - the same
> behavior. But everything was fine before the upgrading to 4.0.5 (and
> simultaneous gtk upgrading to 2.4.0).

Using gtk-2.4.2 and xfce-4.0.5 I have no problem with quit.

As you describe the problem is of classic dm failure.
As asked in another posting what distro are you using, also, which could prove of informative value, what vid card, driver and kernel are you running.

What I am trying to ascertain is if there is a common denominator present on the systems where this problem is present beyond the fact that they are using xfce-4.0.5.


prairies, n.:
	Vast plains covered by treeless forests.
Mandrake Linux 10.1 on PurpleDragon
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