problems with CVS version

Nikola Pizurica pizurica at
Wed Apr 14 16:51:21 CEST 2004

I've tried to install CVS version (About window shows 4.1.1), and I an
into some problems.
Everything works except panel.
Panel shows up, it looks like everything is OK, but panel icons don't
show. To be more precise, icons from Panel icon theme don't show up
(like icons for system buttons, etc).
Also, none of installed panel plug-ins (from previous install) doesn't
get listed.
Panel gives these errors:

** (xfce4-panel:1666): WARNING **: xfce4-panel: module /usr/local/lib/
xfce4/panel-plugins/ cannot be opened (/usr/lib/ undefined symbol: XineramaQueryScreens)
This error repeats for each plugin.

(xfce4-panel:1666): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: file gobject.c: line 1579
(g_object_unref): assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed

(xfce4-panel:1666): libxfcegui4-CRITICAL **: file xfce_iconbutton.c:
line 241 (xfce_iconbutton_scale): assertion `iconbutton->pb != NULL'

I've tried to get rid of first error by doing what was said on web page
with instructions on how to compile xfce4 from CVS with regards to
Xinerama libs. After that, I recompiled libxfcegui4, but no luck. (do I
have to recompile everything?)
For second error, I don't know what to do. iconbutton error looks like
cause with my problems with panel icons.

And one more thing. After upgrading from previous version (from Fedora),
and running Xfce4, I didn't have any window decorations. I thought that
xfwm4 was not compiled OK. It turned out that place for xfwm4 themes
changed, and it couldn't find them anymore. Is it possibile to have some
kind of fallback default theme, for those who upgrade from 4.0x to 4.1x?

BTW, Oliver, Opta xwmf4 theme is AWESOME! :-) I love it!


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