Combining XFCE and Pekwm

HaywireMac haywiremac at
Mon Sep 29 16:36:32 CEST 2003

On Mon, 29 Sep 2003 20:03:05 +0530
Biju Chacko <biju_chacko at> uttered:

> Usually, the last line is the session controlling app. However, it's
> kinda clunky to use xfwm4 for that because it has no way to exit
> itself (and hence the session). It has no menu, for example, with an
> item saying "Exit WM". So you would have to run 
> ~$ pkill xfwm4
> to shut it (and the X session) down. The panel and xfdesktop4 both
> have ways to exit themselves, so it's preferable to use them. If you
> install xfce4-session from CVS, the startup scripts will automatically
> use that as the session controller.
> Hope this clears things up.

I should have been clearer with my question, sorry. 

I assume that my .xinitrc should look like this if I want to use Pekwm
as my WM:

xfce4-iconbar &
xfdesktop &
xset b off
xscreensaver &
exec xfce4-panel &
exec pekwm

or no?
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