Virtual desktop switching

Jack Coates jack at
Sun Sep 21 21:30:31 CEST 2003

On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 01:40, Rajkumar S wrote:
> Hi,
> I am planning to introduce Xfce as the window manager to a group 
> switching to linux from windows. One possible place where Xfce can cause 
> confusion is the switching of virtual desktops. If I keep the mouse near 
>   the monitor side for long Xfce will switch to next desktop, How can I 
> disable it. Also I have scroll mouse, and if I scroll the mouse wheel in 
> desktop it will switch the desktop. I want to disable it also. Xfce 
> should switch desktop only when user clicks on the next Virtual desktop 
> on the task bar.

set up > window manager > advanced > uncheck Wrap workspaces when the
pointer reaches a screen edge.

> Also is it possible to place shortcuts in desktop in Xfce like in Windows?

no, but check out rox (better (IMHO) file manager and has a desktop
pinboard for those who like that sort of thing).

> raj
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Jack Coates
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