xfce4 rc3 + icons + idesk

HaywireMac haywiremac at orderinchaos.org
Mon Sep 15 03:17:01 CEST 2003

On Mon, 15 Sep 2003 09:27:32 +1000
Stephen Kuhn <skuhn at telpacific.com.au> uttered:

> Sorry to  jump into the thread half-way, but has anyone tried using
> ROX as the desktop yet been able to access the XFCE4 "right-click" to
> get a menu on the desktop? 

there's an option in ROX filer to pass right clicks to the window
manager. I do not know for sure if it works in XFCE, but it should. Open
a filer window, right click, select options, then compatibility.

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