ot dillo

Todd Slater dontodd at columbus.rr.com
Sun Sep 14 16:01:33 CEST 2003

On Sun, Sep 14, 2003 at 09:37:53AM -0400, landy wrote:
> off topic but i know lost of people here use dillo.
> i mean dillo is fast but clearly is not ready for regular consistent
> browsing.  does anyone know how fast is this development goiing?

There are all sorts of patches floating around out there. What are you
looking for? It seems that frames support is not too far off. I think
there is a patch for ssl somewhere. I don't know if it will ever do
javascript. I use it for 98% of my browsing, and I use a patch that
gives the option to open a page in a new browser of your choice. If
there's a page Dillo doesn't like I open it in links-graphic, firebird,
or mozilla with a right-click.


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