Can't Start xfwm4
Olivier Fourdan
fourdan at
Wed Sep 10 22:33:05 CEST 2003
On Wed, 2003-09-10 at 22:22, John Lowell wrote:
> Truthfully, this difference was why I raised the question in the first
> place. It is precisely this difference that caused me to see if I might
> retain the better rendering of mozilla if I used xfwm4 instead of fluxbox.
> But I'm getting the impression that something inherent in the full boat of
> packages accounts is responsible and not xfwm4 alone.
The startup script of xfce4 configures Xft2 for best font rendering :)
>From xinitrc that ships with xfce4:
<-------- CUT HERE -------->
# Those are my settings, change them as appropriate...
# Xft DPI: 96
# Xft.hintstyle: hintnone/hintslight/hintmedium/hintfull
# Xft hinting: 1/0
xrdb -merge - << EOF
Xft.dpi: 96
Xft.hinting: 1
Xft.hintstyle: hintmedium
<-------- CUT HERE -------->
Put this in your $HOME/.xinitrc and you should get the same results.
Olivier Fourdan - fourdan at
Interoperability is the keyword, uniformity is a dead end.
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