Remarks on Xfce4

Joe Klemmer klemmerj at
Tue Sep 9 15:42:49 CEST 2003

On Tue, 9 Sep 2003, hugh d fegely wrote:

> > 	I have IP rights to the name "Olivier".
> Let me guess, Joe... you moonlight for SCO??!?
> *grinz&dux*

	In the realm of strange coincidences...

	Yesterday at work there were some external contractors visiting
for something or other (probably trying to sell us something).  One of the
guys was from Salt Lake City UT.  We got talking and it turned out he is a
good friend of Darl McBride.  He was telling me about when they worked at
Novel and some place else I can't remember.  This guy said that Darl was a
great guy outside of work but was an absolute company killer as a manager.  
McBride has no technical knowledge or understanding and is only good at
suing people and draining funds from the companies he works for.

	If this guy comes back I'll see if I can get a "real" interview 
with him.

Joe "Kuramarujo" Klemmer
Hoping to make Ozeki someday.

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