xterm font size

brett holcomb brettholcomb at charter.net
Thu Oct 16 13:53:22 CEST 2003

Thanks.  I'll try that, too.

On Thu, 16 Oct 2003 00:47:39 -0400
  purslow at sympatico.ca wrote:
>031015 Brett I.Holcomb wrote:
>> How do I set the xterm font size so it's larger than 
>> I'm using xfce4 & putting 'xterm -bg black -fg green'
>> for the xterm launcher command.  I know I can 
>> & get a menu for tiny, medium, large, huge etc
>> but I want to set medium or large when I start xterm.
>the default font size in XFCE 4 is irritating.
>i dealt with it by defining a set of Xterms in a panel 
>eg 'xterm -fa "New Century" -fs 11 -geometry 79x31'.
>choose a font your system understands (Luxi seems to be 
>the same on Gentoo),
>set '-fs nn' to a variety of sizes (i have  9 & 7  too) & 
>geometry to taste.
>'man xterm' has details.
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