the file manager

Amarpreet Rattan arattan at
Wed Oct 15 19:41:21 CEST 2003

I never used the xfce so I don't know what it was like.  I REALLY like
xfce4.  I was using fluxbox before this and gnome before that.  As I said,
I left gnome because it was too slow.  I heard about fluxbox and tried it
and liked it.  It is faster than xfce, but very minimalist.  I find the
xfce is a nice compromise;  it is almost as fast as fluxbox et al. but it
has a lot of functionality.

Anyways, the problem with xffm isn't a huge concern, I don't often use a
gui to manage files.  But when I do it, I want it to work.  I do like xffm
for its speed though.  You can hear nautilus thundering slowly through
your desktop :)

My impression is that these features isn't very complicated and if it is
not already in xffm, it could be put there.


On Wed, 15 Oct 2003, brett holcomb wrote:

> Glad to see it wasn't just me <G>!  The file manager in
> xfce 4 made some major changes that break the way I work
> (and I believe many others) so I'm having to relearn -
> although I'd like the old way back.  Not only does
> move/copy multiple files not work I don't like the right
> click menu layout.  Many of the most commonly used
> functions (open, etc.) are on a submenu of the right click
> menu which is not a real good layout.  However, much of
> xfce4 is an improvement and I still like xfce4 better than
> some other window managers.
> On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 12:56:22 -0400 (EDT)
>   Amarpreet Rattan <arattan at> wrote:
> >by the way, I just looked at the faq and pressing ctrl
> >while I right click
> >on the last file doesn't work.
> >
> >amps
> >
> >On Wed, 15 Oct 2003, Amarpreet Rattan wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> hello all,
> >>
> >> Well, i have been using xfce for about a week and I
> >>think that it is
> >> great.  It seems like you get all the (useful)
> >>functionality of
> >> gnome/kde without it bogging the system down.  I was
> >>getting a little sick
> >> and tired of watching gnome2 by slower on my brand new
> >>machine than gnome1
> >> is on a 5 year old machine.
> >>
> >> Anyways, I have some questions/comments.  To me, it
> >>appears that the only
> >> drawback is xffm (the file manager).  I guess that i
> >>have built up some
> >> gui habits that don't seem to translate well in the file
> >>manager and I am
> >> having some difficulty customizing it.  If someone could
> >>help me with the
> >> following problems that would be great.
> >>
> >> 1)  if you shift and highlight more than 1 file and then
> >>want to
> >> move/copy/delete the file, right clicking on the file
> >>manager seems to
> >> mess up that selection (i.e. if you highlight files
> >>a,b,c,d and then right
> >> click to do something and you happen to be over file e,
> >>then a,b,c,d will
> >> no longer be highlighted and e will get highlighted).  I
> >>found that the
> >> way to operate on a group of highlighted files is to go
> >>to the toolbar and
> >> pick 'cut' or something, but that kind of sucks having
> >>to go to the
> >> toolbar.
> >>
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