Panel Crash and System Tray Bug in XFce4 Final

Erick invitebmx at
Fri Oct 3 01:43:33 CEST 2003

I have upgraded from rc4 to the final release and have experienced the

1) The panel randomly crashes when launching a random app from a random
launcher.  I get an error message to report the possible bug and the
panel restarts (which is a much faster recovery than when the gnome
panel crashes -- nice!).  This did not happen with any of the release
candiates that I used.

2)  System tray icons (on the panel system tray) are only partially
visiable amd are semi functional (e.g. cannot access gaim menus when
left-click on icon unless I hit just the right spot) for apps launched
during xfce4 start-up (from xinitrc).  Bug goes away when either 1)
application is shut down and restarted, 2) system tray is removed and
then re-added to the panel, or 3) the panel is changed from horizonal to
vertical or vice versa.  This is a continuation  from rc4.  I am not
using the taskbar, so I have not attempted to recreate the bug there.

3) Another annoyance with the system trayis when another app that uses
the system tray is launched then closed, the system tray displays the
icon fpr the remaining application correctly and it is functional -- but
there is blank space for another icon or two.   This is a continuation
from rc4.  I am not using the taskbar, so I have not attempted to
recreate the bug there.

Everything is linked...

Erick <invitebmx at>

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