3 questions - desktop /

Arnd Zapletal a_zapletal at web.de
Thu Nov 20 00:03:12 CET 2003

On Wed, 19 Nov 2003 15:11:24 +0000
John Pettigrew <john at pettigrew.org.uk> wrote:

> But I can't see what you want xfdesktop to do in this scenario. Are you just
> after the xfdesktop menu? In which case, you could achieve the same end by
> hacking the rox pinboard menus, I think. But, again, a Rox thing.

The right answer seemed, after googling, to use something like 'deskmenu' (eg from the oroborus wm homepage) instead of xfdesktop. Fits, works and looks perfect.

Is there a way to get the 'window list' section to work? ('workspace' *does*)


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                             [Karl Valentin]

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