using transparent aterm
Robert Brimhall
rbrimhal at
Fri Jun 27 04:44:17 CEST 2003
Hi all,
New Xfce user... this desktop is amazing... on par with my other
favorite ROX! Anyways, I seem to be unable to configure my terminal to
launch a transparent aterm with this command
:aterm -tr -sh 50 -fg white -bg black:
xffm claims this command is not valid and reverts back to the generic
xterm. What am I doing wrong? I set this globally with the settings
Also, can I change the default "browser" to Mozilla Firebird or Galeon
rather than Mozilla? Can't seem to figure out how (including within the
left-click menu displayed when clicking the desktop). Any help
appreciated. Thx!
Thank You.
Robert Brimhall <rbrimhal at>
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