RH9 SRPMs for XFCE4-beta2

Net Llama! netllama at linux-sxs.org
Fri Jun 27 01:47:07 CEST 2003

On 06/26/03 16:43, Joe Klemmer wrote:

> On Thu, 2003-06-26 at 17:35, Net Llama! wrote:
>> > 	If you build them I will come.  I tried to do the configure; make; make
>> > rpm with the source but I just didn't have time.
>> None of that is neccesary.  If you've already got the tarballs, all you
>> ned to do is:
>> rpm -ta f00.tar.gz
>> and you'll automagically get both the SRPM & RPM.  
> 	Will that work with the dependencies I ran into?  I was trying to build
> the files in alphabetical order and kept coming up with errors 'cause
> some other xfce4 component wasn't installed.

They won't build in alpha order.  You need to build them in the order 
that is documented on the xfce.org site.

>> I should have time to
>> build RH9 RPMs within the next 2-3 days.  Getting them on xfce.sf.net is
>> up to Oliver, unless he's willing to give me access to do it.
> 	I'll try and get the srpms and see if I can rebuild them.  I wonder if
> one can rebuild them all with "rpmbuild --rebuild *.rpm".  :-)

Possibly, but i really doubt it.

L. Friedman                       	       netllama at linux-sxs.org
Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo: 		    http://netllama.ipfox.com

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