rpms of xfce4 for Mandrake 9.1 ?

Francois Le Clainche fleclainche at wanadoo.fr
Thu Jun 19 22:09:22 CEST 2003

Le jeudi 19 juin 2003 à 15:50, Todd Slater a écrit:

> I just kind of lurk here and update when there's some new cool feature I
> want to try (as with the svg themes). To tell the truth, I find xfce4 so
> stable and nice that I never feel a pressing need to update! However, I
> will update as additional beta(s) are released, and of course when the
> final comes out.
> If that's acceptable for "maintain," link away! :)
> Todd

Hi, Todd.

I will add a link on xfce.org.


Francois Le Clainche
PGP key : http://perso.wanadoo.fr/flc.web/pgp.html

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