Some questions for a newbie

Joe Klemmer klemmerj at
Mon Jul 28 03:06:26 CEST 2003

On Sun, 2003-07-27 at 17:00, Christel & Dr. Frank Biendara wrote:

> The best exaple is that I will edit or view a system config file. For
> this I have to start my favorite file manger, it's xfe, with root
> rights. I will do it as a direct klick from the xfce panel so I have
> to use a single command line which is accepted by the panel. The way
> should be to "click" and then be asked for the password.
> So I cannot use sudo.

man sudoers and look for NOPASSWD

	I run sudo all the time on my workstations this way.  On the servers I
do not use this, OC.

> Rich, you write you use text instead - but how? I can only add graphic
> icons directly in the 1st level of xfce panel.

	There are fields for a Caption and a Tooltip for all the sub menus and
Tooltips for the icons on the panel.  Use them.

Paradise; can it be all I heard it was?
I close my eyes and maybe I'm already there.

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