xfce4 panel

Biju Chacko botsie at myrealbox.com
Mon Jan 27 14:31:08 CET 2003

On Mon, 27 Jan 2003 06:16:15 -0700, Collins Richey wrote:

> Please tell us more about XFDesktop and how we should be doing as
> regards menus. My only need for the menus at present is to be able to
> access the Quit function since this is not possible from the Panel
> Quit button.

Well read http://members.home.nl/jbhuijsmans/xfce4-cvs.html. Thats our
official documentation for now. :-)

If prefer to quit with the panel (as I do) all you have to do is put
xfce4 at the bottom of your .xinitrc. Here is mine:


# Launch xscreensaver (if available)
xscreensaver -no-splash &

# Finally, launch XFce window manager
xfdeskmenu &
xfwm4 --daemon

# Comment if you don't use rox
rox -p Default &

exec xfce4-panel

> Just as an asside, I believe that the xfrun4 function should have a
> prominent place on the panel (as I have now implemented for myself) so
> that there is no need to go to the Menu for this function.

I agree completely. Since we are still in development mode, we still
haven't come up with a good default setup yet. I believe the current
xfce-panel default setup is just Jasper's own setup.

-- b

Biju 'botsie' Chacko                        biju_chacko at vsnl dot net
http://www.symonds.net/~botsie          Public Key available on request

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