Terminal window again

Olivier Fourdan fourdan at xfce.org
Sat Jan 25 23:43:54 CET 2003

Hi Brett,

On Sat, 2003-01-25 at 23:30, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
> I'm still not happy with xterm under xfce.  It just doesn't behave like
> kconsole did under KDE did or like a console window but maybe I'm
> barking up the wrong tree here.  

You bet!

> What I want is something that behaves
> like the console window - I can use my home/end keys, when I run an app
> it doesn't but funny characters all over the window.  Can I run the
> equivalent of the console window under xfce?
> By funny characters I mean that if I run some apps I get the square O
> characters as the background.  I can still see my menus.

UTF8 is your problem here...

man xterm

xterm +u8

Olivier Fourdan <fourdan at xfce.org>

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