Changing xfterm color or running xterm

Net Llama! netllama at
Thu Jan 9 18:56:02 CET 2003

On Thu, 9 Jan 2003, Heiko Berges wrote:
> >>>> to my .bashrc , and sourced it, and even logged out a& back into XFCE, and
> >>>> still no change.
> TERMCMD must be exported from the environment xfce is started from, but
> you did not tell how you did start xfce (from xdm/kdm/gdm, from the
> commandline,..)  Please try this:
> 	Exit xfwm and X
> 	from the console in a bourneish shell:
> 	$ TERMCMD="whatever terminalemulator you want -all -fancy -options"
> 	$ export TERMCMD
> 	$ startxfce

I start it from KDM on one box, and GDM on another, and the results remain
the same.  TERMCMD is properly exported, yet xfce fails to recognize this.

> If you start xfce from a displaymanager you can export environment
> variables from xinitrc or set them in the resources file. (man xdm)

I suppose i could try this, but i don't understand why it would be

Lonni J Friedman				netllama at
Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo

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