Changing xfterm color or running xterm

Heiko Berges hb-mlist+xfce at
Thu Jan 9 18:46:04 CET 2003

On Thu, Jan 09, 2003 at 08:47:45AM -0800, Jack Coates wrote:

> Next steps, dump your environment. This would do:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
>         foreach my $key (keys(%ENV)) {
>                 print $key."\t".$ENV{$key}."\n";
> 	        }

env  will do, too.

> Make sure that $TERMCMD is really what you want. Then, try temporarily
> editing the xfterm script to simply print the value of $TERMCMD instead
> of running it.
> mv /path/to/xfterm /tmp/

Not recommended.  Mv does not change the timestamp, so xfterm
will be deleted in case the cronjob starts which removes old

>>>> to my .bashrc , and sourced it, and even logged out a& back into XFCE, and
>>>> still no change.

TERMCMD must be exported from the environment xfce is started from, but
you did not tell how you did start xfce (from xdm/kdm/gdm, from the
commandline,..)  Please try this:

	Exit xfwm and X

	from the console in a bourneish shell:

	$ TERMCMD="whatever terminalemulator you want -all -fancy -options"
	$ export TERMCMD
	$ startxfce

If you start xfce from a displaymanager you can export environment
variables from xinitrc or set them in the resources file. (man xdm)


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