questions and suggestions

Martin Bretschneider mailing-lists-mmiv at
Tue Dec 23 21:54:33 CET 2003

Jasper Huijsmans <jasper at> wrote:

Hi Jasper,

> > -Moving launchers to the menu of another launcher
> > 
> Hmm, I'll have to think about how to do this in a way that is obvious
> to the user.

Using the mouse I guess it'll be obvious. But using the position number
as it is at the moment... Maybe put another widget that appears in the
property dialog of the launcher to be moved if the other property
launcher that should be the target has a sub menu.
> > 2. window manager
> > -put the icons of apps in the window bar and in the menu that pops
> > up while pressing <alt>+<tab> just as in the task bar
> > 
> Easy enough. Someone should provide a patch (no guarantees Olivier
> will accept it, though ;)

Why. I guess that it won't eat memory since the icon is already there...
> > 3. task bar
> > -grouping of apps
> Yeah, I think I'd like to see an option for this as well. Again,
> shouldn't be too hard, patches are welcome. Now it is done
> automatically when the taskbar gets crowded.

Really? I opened 40 xterm but there was no grouping.

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