Xinerama mode [Re: using two monitors with XFce4]

Remco Lubbers rpl at
Tue Dec 2 09:41:22 CET 2003

Hello Benedikt,

Op Mon, 01 Dec 2003 23:12:16 +0100 schreef Benedikt Meurer aan Remco Lubbers
<rpl at>:

> >> > remco at mars remco]$ ls -lh /usr/X11R6/lib/libXinerama.*
>  >> > -rw-r--r--    1 root	 root	      5,3K Sep	5 21:59
>  >> > /usr/X11R6/lib/libXinerama.a
>  >> > lrwxrwxrwx    1 root	 root		16 Dec	1 20:02
>  >> > /usr/X11R6/lib/ ->*
>  >> > -rwxr-xr-x    1 root	 root	      6,7K Dec	1 20:13
>  >> > /usr/X11R6/lib/*
>  >> What happens when you delete the .so.1 file and the .so link? Does Xfce 
>  >> then startup correctly?
>  > 
>  > nope, same thing: xmessage telleng me the panel crashed.
>  Ok, then start a default xsession and launch the panel by hand using 
>  gdb. After the panel crashed, type bt and sent the output to the 
>  mailinglist.

I couldn't start the panel in gdb, because it kept complaining about not being
able to load the xinerama library: file or directory not found. Then it occured
to me that it could very well be that the Xinerama lib needed to load something
that was not there. I installed a few XFree libs (a.o. Xvfb and static libs),
but xfce still would not start. Then I installed 2 GTK libs (linuxfb and the
development libs) and TADA: xfce4 started in xinerama mode!

I suspect that Mandrake has a dependancy missing somewhere.

Anyway, I recompiled the lot again, just to make sure, and I like what I have

Thank you and Olivier for trying to help me out!



Remco P. Lubbers (rpl at

| Linux kernel 2.4.22 | Mandrake 9.1 | XFce 4.0.1 | Pronto! 2.4.0 |

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