"strict" borders?

Horn Gábor Horn.Gabor at aktiv.co.hu
Tue Dec 2 10:37:05 CET 2003


In xfce4 i use a panel on my top of screen and a taskbar on the bottom.
I set the borders for them properly, so if i maximize a new window (eg a
terminal) they occupy the proper place, none goes "under" the
panel/taskabar. But it isn't the case w/ eg. popup windows from
mozillafirebird. It's often place them from 0;0 (top left corner of the
screen) and they goes "under" the upper panel. Similar thin ghappens
sometimes to the taskbar, some window's lower part can go under it. Is
there a way to set more "strict" borders? I'm sure i don't wanna any
portion of my windows below the bottom or before the top border. I'd
like if an app wanna open them there xfce would automatically move them
between the set borders. Is it possible please? I didn't notice this
behaviour under gnome 2.4 (and overall i prefer xfce4 to gnome2.4 now,
but this small thing is really annoying).

And just one more question: xfce uses the default $HOME/.gtkrc and
$HOME/.gtkrc-2.0 for gtk apps? When i switched from gnome2.4 they
started to look different w/o me touching any of the gtk files. I'd like
to control my gtk apps' appearance w/ this 2 files.

thx, hirisov

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