Installing GTK Deletes XFce?

Lane P. Lester llester at
Thu Aug 7 22:36:25 CEST 2003

Net Llama! <netllama at> wrote:
> XFCE4 requires gtk+-2.  Thanks to the magic of RPM dependencies, you
> can't remove a package withou removing all of its dependencies.  You
> can have both gtk+-1.x &  gtk+-2.x coexist on the same box, which is
> the solution to your problem.

Thanks. I thought =that= what was what I was accomplishing when I added
gtk+-1.2, just adding it to 2.0, rather than replacing it.

Since my original message, I used apt-get to install xfce4, which
fetches an old cvs version, not RC2. However, Info tells me this:
XFce 4 Desktop Environment
version 3.99.2

Isn't that RC2?

At least I have =some= version of xfce4 going again. Whew!

Lane P. Lester / Madison County, Georgia
**Running Linux more and Windows less**

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