Strange behavior with upgrade to RH 7.3
Net Llama!
netllama at
Fri Sep 6 01:27:07 CEST 2002
Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Thu, 5 Sep 2002, Net Llama! wrote:
>>No offense, but thinking that doing that huge of an upgrade would end
>>well was not a good idea.
>>You should have backed up your data, and installed 7.3 from scratch.
> My data are backed up daily (incremental) and weekly (full). We did do a
> custom install, but that was worse than any other. For example, on my main
> workstation/server, I had to disconnect the SCSI cables before the RH
> installer would read the ATAPI cdrom drive and the disks in it. Never heard
> of this one before.
WHat kind of hardware are you working with? This is definitely not
normal, and i've done quite a lot of Redhat-7.x installs.
>>Did you build XFCE from source, or attempt to install an RPM? I'd say
>>your only hope is to build from source, since i'm guessing that youv'e
>>got some fairly screwed up libs at this point. As for cut/paste, does
>>it work at all, or just not between aterm & mozilla? Is your mouse 2 or
>>3 buttons?
> I had been running 3.8.18, but we couldn't find it on the 'Net last night.
> So we grabbed the 3.8.16 tarball and rebuilt from source. I never
> experienced frozen windows before: they cannot be resized or moved. When I
> try to smoothly pull the thumb on the scrollbar it won't go. I can only
> click repeated on the scroll bar to have it jump in little moves.
This sounds like a hardware problem, especially combined with the odd
install problems that you had with RH. Perhaps the videocard is
failing, or maybe even the system memory? Hard to tell at this point.
> The systems are now running XFree86-4.2.0-8, not -3.6.6 (or whatever it
> was). But, that shouldn't make any difference.
I assume that you've got a decent amount of physical memory, and a swap
partition. Have you looked in your messages, XFree86*.log, and
~/.xsession-errors files?
L. Friedman netllama at
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