SCP in XFTree?

wolfgang GeneralP.Fault at
Tue Sep 3 12:07:46 CEST 2002

In an older episode (Tuesday 03 September 2002 11:31), Alexandre Aractingi 

> So nothing that really takes advantage of SSH... if I have a remote
> Windows machine with no SMB share, that just runs an SSH server, I am
> stuck with command line scp, right?

no. there is still lftp ( which lets you open fish:// 
URLs, e.g.:
$ lftp fish://wolf@hacktor

lftp wolf at hacktor:~> ls *.txt
-rw-rw-r--    1 wolf     wolf          720 Jan 17  2002 abuse.txt
-rw-rw-r--    1 wolf     wolf           58 Jan 17  2002 abuse2.txt
lftp wolf at hacktor:~> get abuse.txt
720 bytes transferred
lftp wolf at hacktor:~>

its more comfortable than plain scp, you have the commands of a normal ftp 
client available ...


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