newbie and xterm cut and paste

Olivier Fourdan fourdan at
Fri Nov 29 12:23:46 CET 2002


> Thanks a lot Olivier.  I'll buy an USB mouse :-)

Before you go spend your money, I'll explain my problem and how I fixed it. It
might or might not apply to your problem though.

My main and only computer is a Toshiba laptop that comes with a PS/2 compatible
touchpad. I had a PS/2 mouse that I used to connect to the external PS/2 port
and that worked fine except that I could not enable the wheel mouse in XFree86
or the touchpad would be unusable (basically, if I put Protocole IMPS/2 in
XF86COnfig-4, the touchpad was unusable. That's acceptable unless I travel and
unplug the external mouse). This is because, on my laptop, the touchpad and the
external PS/2 port are the same. Since the touchpad had no wheel mouse, enabling
it for the external mouse prevented the touchpad to work correctly.

By purchasing a USB mouse, I'm now able to define 2 pointers in XF86Config so
that the USB mouse can use the wheel button and the integrated touchpad (PS/2)
is not affected since it's another device (for both Linux and XFree86).

What you could try, at first, is to modify your XF86Config-4 file, section
InputDevice so it looks like :

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier  "Mouse0"
        Driver      "mouse"
        Option      "Protocol" "IMPS/2"
        Option      "Device" "/dev/psaux"
        Option      "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
        Option      "Emulate3Buttons" "no"

(Note that "identifier" might be different, it's just a name that needs to be
referred in ServerLayout section - The best is to keep Identifier unchanged)

Here, at work, I have a Microsoft wheel mouse and that works just fine. The
wheel, the middle mouse button, etc. Everything works fine. On my laptop,
though, that would cause the touchpad to be unusable.

> Do you ever come to Ireland ?

No never, unfortunately. But if you have a job opportunity there, I'd be glad to
learn from it :)

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