always on top and the main panel

Nick Merrett nmerrett at
Thu May 30 03:23:19 CEST 2002

Hi all,
I have just started using XFce and so far so good :-)

However i have been trying to make the Main Panel and gkrellm "always on 
top" but having absolulty no luck.

i have editing the xfwmrc file, in both /etx/X11/xfce and ~/.xfce/ to no 
avail. I also tried using "Layer 12" instead of "StayOnTop" but it gives 
me the same resluts.

I have read documentation, searched google, even read previous posts on 
this mailing list. Here is a copy of the of what i think the releavent 
section of the file /etc/X11/xfce/xfwmrc

# Style used for some known applications :
Style "*"                       BorderWidth 2
Style "xfce"                    StayOnTop
Style "Alert"                   Sticky, StayOnTop
Style "Question"                Sticky, StayOnTop
Style "Message"                 Sticky, StayOnTop
Style "xfbd"                    Sticky
Style "xfpager"                 Sticky
# Style "*lock"                 Sticky
Style "gmc-desktop-icon"        WindowListSkip, CirculateSkip, 
Style "gkrellm"                 CirculateSkip, CirculateSkipIcon, 
Sticky, StayOnTop
Style "xeyes"                   NoTitle

thanks in advance


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