The Taskbar

Joe Klemmer klemmerj at
Mon May 20 16:54:53 CEST 2002

On Sun, 2002-05-19 at 23:11, Jack Coates wrote:

> > > Do you have a URL for this?
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 	Someone remind me to bookmark this.
> > 
> I'm against bookmarks. 

	Hey, that's my line.  You are in violation of the DMCA, XYZPD, PDQ-RA,
WTF-RTFM and other laws.  I am now forced to sue you, your employers,
your family going back 25 generations, the city, state & country where
you live, the bank you use, the plumber you use & your dog.  My lawyers
will be in contact with you shortly.

No, I _don't_ have anything better to do right now.
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