Observation: still no taskbar

Joe Klemmer klemmerj at webtrek.com
Fri May 17 20:03:03 CEST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 17 May 2002, Staszyszyn, Marcin wrote:

> You simply do not have taskbar enabled during compilation time. taskbar
> is NOT enabled by default. Please pass '--enable-taskbar' to configure
> script. Do not forget of 'make clean' before new compilation.
> If you are using rpm-based distribution, ask its creator for further
> explaination, I am not capable of dealing with rpm problems.
> The final result should be as on attached screenshot -- there is a wide,
> thin, horizontal line at te bottom of xfce panel. It opens a taskbar.

	FWIW, I am using the rpm that Edscott makes from the CVS.  I 
grabbed the src.rpm and rebuilt it with --enable-old-style.  If you like I 
can email it to you.  Or put it up with the other mics rpm files I have 
laying around at ftp://ftp.webtrek.com/pub/rpms.

- -- 
No, I _don't_ have anything better to do right now.
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