backdrop using the taskbar

Rich Shepard rshepard at
Thu May 16 00:35:52 CEST 2002

On Wed, 15 May 2002, Collins wrote:

> How marvelous it would be if you could include a clock with color support
> and slightly larger font on the panel so that it is mapped to all
> desktops.  The existing clock is barlely readable, anyway.

  Too much beer makes one's eyes blurry, that's why. :-)

  Take a look at 'man asclock'. That's the AfteStep clock and I learned
about it from Joe K. several years ago. It's a constant fixture on all my
desktops (see screenshot attached). The way I call it in ~/.xinitrc it loads
ical when you left-click on the calendar page.

exec asclock -24 -led yellow -position +930+150 -exe ical &

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