OT: IM'ing

H.R. ter Veer terveer at subdimension.com
Wed May 15 10:11:11 CEST 2002

On 13 May 2002 11:38:46 -0400
Joe Klemmer <klemmerj at webtrek.com> wrote:

Here are mine:

AIM: veerh01
YH:  veerh01
MSN: veerh01 at netscape.net    :-)
ICQ: 133448550

> 	It occurred to me that some of us might have IM clients going at
> times.  Just in case anyone was feeling bored and wanted to chat, here
> are my IM contacts:
>     AIM: klemmerj
> YahooIM: x_nc
>     MSN: x_nc at hotmail.com
>  Jabber: x_nc
>     ICQ: 13160250
> I am rarely on ICQ or Jabber and am only on the other three when I'm at
> work in the afternoons.  Also, you can probably guess this but don't
> send any email to the hotmail address if you actually want a response. 
> I just got that so I could get on MSN Messenger.
> -- 
> No, I _don't_ have anything better to do right now.


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