cannot allocate colors

Davide Cavallari floods at
Sun May 5 15:02:53 CEST 2002

On Fri, May 03, 2002 at 09:27:07AM -0500, Edscott Wilson García wrote:
> On Vie 03 May 2002 04:01, Davide Cavallari wrote:
> > I am trying xfce on a linux  system compiled from sources. When I call
> > 'startx', xfce  starts but I  get the message "Error:  Cannot allocate
> > colors". The  panel is not  loaded and the  desktop is black,  but the
> > menus are allright.
> >
> > What does  this message mean?  I can't  understand if it's  an xserver
> > problem or it depends from xfce.
> It seems that the color map for the X display is insufficient. I believe
> you need  at least  16 colors for  the panel (or  maybe 256).  Check the
> depth field of your XF86Config file. 2**depth=#of colors.

Selecting a color depth of 16 bit it works right, thanks!
    Davide Cavallari                
Maternity pay?	Now every Tom, Dick and Harry will get pregnant.
		-- Malcolm Smith

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