icons for minimized (minimal?) evolution

Joe Klemmer klemmerj at webtrek.com
Sat Jul 27 18:46:10 CEST 2002

On Sat, 2002-07-27 at 01:46, Jack Coates wrote:

> So have any other evolution users come up with a good way to handle the
> icons? My problem is in this screenshot:
> http://www.monkeynoodle.org/Photos/screenshot.png/view -- the evolution
> icons are smaller than the other icons. I don't think xfwmrc settings
> are the right way to fix it because the icons change depending on what
> you're doing and an xfwmrc setting for all programs called evolution*
> would make them all look the same :-)
> any other ideas or known tweaks?

	I haven't found a way to work this.  I just shade Evolution instead of
iconizing it.

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