Need help with spontaneous failure
Net Llama!
netllama at
Tue Jul 23 15:35:58 CEST 2002
On Tue, 23 Jul 2002, Brad Cox wrote:
> I've been using xfce on RedHat 7.0 quite happily until yesterday,
> when the keyboard and mouse suddenly stopped working in xfce. The
> console itself, of course, works fine but nada once startx does its
> thing. This happened spontaneously; no crashes, system tinkering,
> etc, so I'm a bit disoriented as to exactly where to start. Might not
> even be xfce's fault, but that's where the problem appears.
> I restarted the system and checked the log file. Found this message repeated
> many (15) times
> Jul 23 07:27:55 linux modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-4
> locate char-major doesn't find anything. So I'm stuck as to what to
> try next. Can someone put me on the right track? Thanks!
char-major-4 are the virtual consoles. Sounds like your box is trashed
pretty badly. Did you delete/change anything lately? You sure you
haven't been haxored?
Lonni J Friedman netllama at
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