Need help with spontaneous failure

Brad Cox bcox at
Tue Jul 23 13:57:10 CEST 2002

I've been using xfce on RedHat 7.0 quite happily until yesterday, 
when the keyboard and mouse suddenly stopped working in xfce. The 
console itself, of course, works fine but nada once startx does its 
thing. This happened spontaneously; no crashes, system tinkering, 
etc, so I'm a bit disoriented as to exactly where to start. Might not 
even be xfce's fault, but that's where the problem appears.

I restarted the system and checked the log file. Found this message repeated
many (15) times
Jul 23 07:27:55 linux modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-4

locate char-major doesn't find anything. So I'm stuck as to what to 
try next. Can someone put me on the right track? Thanks!
Brad Cox, PhD; bcox at 703 361 4751
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