What about a donation page for Xfce ?

Stephane Paltani spaltani at head-cfa.harvard.edu
Thu Jul 18 23:53:14 CEST 2002

Hi there,

I guess a kind of consensus has been found:

- Many of us are willing to contribute to help XFce going
- Many of us are not in favour of using credit cards
- How credit card donations should be implemented is not
  straightforward anyway.

Why not keeping it simple? Personal checks are quite convenient
for people based in the US. When I lived in France, there were
also checks all over the place. So, why not have a simple
donation page with Olivier's address for the EU, and Chuck's
for the US (you can figure out the details together), politely
suggesting to send personal checks to support XFce! I suggest
two sites to avoid bank fees. You can then decide together what
to do with the booty (i.e., fly to the Bahamas!).

Now I'm not sure whether checks still exist in the EU, and whether
banks take fees for checks from one country to another one.
Also, it may not be convenient for all of us, but it's at least
a starting point which is very easy to implement.


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