What about a donation page for Xfce ?

Jasper Huijsmans huysmans at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Jul 18 11:36:31 CEST 2002

At 10:16 AM 7/18/02 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>I've been thinking of a donation page for Xfce. Note that this would
>*not* be for paying *me* or other developpers, but rather for the costs
>like site registration and various hardware needs.

Actually, someone _should_ hire you to work on xfce full time ;-)

>Xfce is free software and will remain so. Donations would not be
>requested, just maybe suggested.
>What do you think ?
>As a side note, GNOME and KDE wich have way more people and companies
>involved do that already. Xfce has no company backing it, just the
>motivations of a few developpers arround the world.
>Let me know your feeling, opinions. Just don't flame me too hard ;-)
>PS: Do you know how this can be acheived, I mean should we use paypal,
>or something else ? I've never done that before, so I'm wondering...

I don't know anything about this, but I also don't see anything wrong with
it. We just have to make sure we show our gratitude towards any donors and
we show where the money goes. Do you have anything in mind to use donations

>Olivier               <fourdan at xfce.org>            http://www.xfce.org
>XFce is a lightweight  desktop  environment  for  various *NIX systems.
>Designed for productivity,  it loads  and  executes  applications fast,
>while conserving  system resources. XFce is all free software, released
>under GNU General Public License.    Available from http://www.xfce.org
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