System hung on xfce start up.

Wenzhi Liang wzhliang at
Tue Jul 9 17:00:36 CEST 2002

Hi all,

I was using Slackware 8.0 and Xfce a while ago but it 
always hung the system (X to be accurate) after about 
half min. So I went away to kde ( I know, I know ). I 
thought there was something wrong with my system so I 
installed Slackware 8.1 last night. (Very glad to see 
that XFCe was actually included on the installation
I left the /usr/local and /home along though. Anyway, 
when I tried to start XFCE (the slack package), the
thing happend. But using XFCE as root was perfect. So
reckon the problem was those shiny custome icon I have
handle configured under XFCE. 
Could someone confirm this? Can I use 16bit(I guess)
xpm icons with XFCE? 


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